
Backtracking to Easter now

for which we were expecting hubby's brother and wife and children for a few days, we were really looking forward to their visit as they hadn't been up this way for a few years.
One morning about a week before they were due I answered the phone and it was DD in Mt Isa saying something about...... can you fit a car seat in the new car Mum?, well silly me said Why? and she said.... cause the girls and I are coming for a holiday...well needless to say panic set in for all of 2 secs while I got my head around the fact that we had already booked out the spare bedrooms with 2 adults and 2 children coming, but whats another adult and 2 more children to find beds for... right, lol. 
Once I realized she was serious, excitement really set in as I knew we'd work out the sleeping arrangements later. 
Needless to say we had a terrific time and it was just so great that we all got to spend some time together.
Now I realize this is all pretty boring to my crafting friends but for those family members who would like to see some pics of our time spent with DD and grand kids at Easter time please click here.


Signing off for the night

with a few Pics from our afternoon walk around the block a couple of days ago, such glorious weather I just had to share these snaps I took just on sunset. Click here to see the rest of them

Way back in Nov

last year we decided to adopt a kitty from the RSPCA, it had been over 18 mths since our 16 yr old miniature poodle Missy had gone to doggy heaven and hubby and I finally felt the time was right to introduce a new pet to our household.
As our Granddaughter Shayna was coming to visit us for a few weeks before Christmas we waited for her to arrive before making any more plans as we knew she would get a thrill helping us to choose a kitten.
After checking the RSPCA web page a few times and making a couple of visits to cuddle and play with the kittens one sweet little fat faced boy decided he would like to come home with us, after testing out a few names the first day we decided to call him" Milo".

Well he is 8 mths old now and has fitted into our home just perfectly. So I thought I'd share a few pics I took today while he was outside in the garden having his morning romp chasing the lizards and butterflies.
He is an inside cat that is allowed out for short periods in the garden to play through the daytime, to keep him safe we make sure he is inside before late afternoon.
Each morning for the last couple of months our neighbours cat "Quinn" who is also an RSPCA kitty, visits us, they are like two kids playing for about an hour each morning.
To view today's pics if you are interested click here.

Oh I know I know....lol

I still have some back tracking to catch up with but had to show off what I have been sewing today.
  This is a bag pattern designed by my friend Khris and like the last one I blogged about (and yep I did sew one up, but it is for a gift so cant show you yet) Khris has done a brilliant job at making it an easy quick project to sew up and so versatile, I have seen some other samples and it looks great no matter what fabric is chosen.
I was able to pull some fabrics from my stash to try this pattern and with these nice bright colors thought that my DGD in Mt Isa would be able to use it when she goes for a sleepover at her friend Maddy's.
