from our class today with Bronwen, I always have fun playing with paper n glue at the once a month class, and love the chance to catch up with the other ladies that attend.
Having purchased the SU Envelope Punch Board I am amazed at all that it can be used for, besides the 66 envelope sizes you can quickly n easily make gift bags/boxes, cards and tags, so many clever people have shared their ideas on U-tube and the WWW.
Today we used the EPB to make the octagonal shaped bob-bon's and the sweetest bow that can be used to decorate gift boxes/cards etc. We also made a Sunburst it...AND Bron made us all the cutest little envelope gift box using the EPB AND it has chocolate inside :-)
The other pics are of the Christmas card, the square bon-bon and stamped candle I made while playing this week.